
  • Highlights from the Annual Spring Ontario Dental Convention

    The 2018 Spring Meeting for the Ontario Dental Association was held this past weekend (April 26-28) and was, as always, a memorable event held at the Convention Center in Toronto. Many interesting lectures and courses were preceded by an inspiring talk by 'The Man in…
  • Happy Canada Day!

    Summer is in full swing and we can be thankful and proud on this Canada Day… We live a great country that allows us to pursue our dreams and practices tolerance and equality! With our world class talents, we are the northerners of North America,…
  • Our 5th Annual Skate & Share Food Drive!

    Sunday. December 8th, 2013 1pm-2:30pm at a new location - Vic Johnson Community Centre in Streetsville. Benefitting The Compass Community Outreach Centre … Come By (and bring your skates)!. If you would like to contribute something for the draw, please contact Jelena [email protected]
  • Is Media Making Your Children Fat?

    Is Media Making Your Children Fat? The prevelance of childhood obesity in American children has doubled int the last 3 decades. Obesity in children is quickly becoming a world wide epidemic. In North America, our children spend on average 7 hours per day with media,…
  • Athletic Mouth Guards: FREE for Kids!

    Did your children grow since last the sport season? Did they lose primary teeth and sprout adult teeth? There is a pretty good chance that last year’s athletic mouth guard doesn’t fit this season. Protecting your kids’ teeth during sports can spare them from dibilitating…
  • Non-Invasive Focused Ultrasound Surgery

    Non-Invasive Focused Ultraso und Surgery:Using ultrasonic technology to eradicate a tumor without opening into a patient. Even though advances in laproscopic surgery (using tiny cameras and instrumentsthrough small incision holes) have allowed doctors to reduce scarring and improve healing in their patients there is another…
  • Starving Cancer with Nutrition

    This is a fascinating talk about a non-invasive, nutrition based preventive treatment for cancer that uses foods to control the growth of blood vessels and in effect, tumors. The finding that healthy people carry “mini-tumors” that never become an issue prompted this doctor to question…

Invisible Smile


When you’re uncomfortable with your teeth, it’s easy to hold back. Fortunately, Invisalign’s advanced technology now lets you straighten your teeth invisibly…. Click here to learn more about Invisalign

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