Is Media Making Your Children Fat?

Is Media Making Your Children Fat?

The prevelance of childhood obesity in American children has doubled int the last 3 decades. Obesity in children is quickly becoming a world wide epidemic. In North America, our children spend on average 7 hours per day with media, including television and web browsing. Other than sleeping, it is the single biggest use of their time. During this time, they are exposed to aggressive advertising from the junk food industry. Obesity can have a devestating affect on our young people. Children with weight issues have a higher incidence of stress/mood disorders, an increased risk of substance abuse, diabetes, asthma, and heart disease. The Academy of Pediatrics has released a policy statement on media and how it influences childhood obesity. This statement was published in Pediatrics: The Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and looks at the role that television and other media plays in childhood obesity and what preventive measures can be taken. We can make a difference in the lives of our children.